I promised a few weeks back that I would post another pronunciation guide for some of the names in The Oracle, so I thought that I would make good on that. I'm just going to take them as they come to me, so these won't be in any particular order:
Cal Meridian = KAL mer-IH-dee-yan (kal as in "cat")
Borna Fero = BOR-nuh FAYR-oh
Wal Wyn = WAHL WIN (wahl as in "wall")
Tokala = toh-KAH-luh (toh as in "toe")
Tormod = TOHR-mud
Badru = bah-DREW
Terra = TAYR-ruh (tayr as in "tear")
Mayim = mah-YEEM
Boitheia = boh-IH-thee-yuh (long "o" in boh, short "i" in ih, "th" in thee as in "with")
Grypas = GRIH-pus
Fobos = FOH-bohs (both long "o"s)
Archaios = ahr-KAY-yohs (long "o")
Did I miss any big ones? Let me know if you have any questions!
Ahhh...how my name is supposed to be spelt! ;)