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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Writing Schedule

I sat down tonight and created a calendar for all the editing and writing that I need to complete over the next several months. I'll share the release dates as they get closer, but let's just say that I'm going to be VERY busy this spring and summer! I have my third baby arriving in May, and when this child is older, I should have some good stories to tell him or her about the time that I was pregnant. Anyhow, I am starting to write book 4 tomorrow, and I'm starting to feel really, really thankful that I put so much time and effort into my note-taking this fall. I *should* be able dive right in with minimal headache, although I do still need to bang out a rudimentary outline of JUST book 4 and put together my ring composition chart but... I'm not going to think about that right now. As long as I can get started tomorrow and at least write a page, I'll feel good. I think I set myself a doable schedule, starting slow this first week, and then shooting for 35 pages a week. I'll keep y'all posted as to how it goes!


  1. So excited for you with both the new baby, new publisher, and writing the book as well as teaching! You're like superwoman or something! :D

  2. I agree...a total superwoman!!!
